A trajetória profissional de mulheres na educação física: estudo psicossocial de gênero, identidade e trabalho em profissões masculinas / The professional trajectory of women in physical education: a social psychological study of gender, identity and work in masculine




The present study examines sexual discrimination in the professional trajectories of women that, specifically, followed a career as professors in Physical Education. Women who were pioneers in the decades of the 1940`s and 1950`s through their entry into the university course in the field and with building of life histories related to personal projects in this profession. Through oral history interviews with these women, we analyze the incidences of sexual discrimination in their professional lives beginning with the times in their undergraduate academic formation in the Field through the different phases of insertion and segmentation in the labor market. Based on works like Saffioti (1987) and Scott (1990, 1992, 2005) we examine the social construction of relations between the sexes. With the analyses of Bruschini and Lombardi (1999, 2000), Biderman and Guimarães (2004), Bruschini (2007), among others, we sought to identify how those relations expressed sexual discrimination determining those relations between men and women in the labor market, and impacting on their Professional identities. (DUBAR, 2005). We were able to perceive that independently of some interviewees pointing out sexual discrimination in the Professional histories in physical education, they were unable to criticize these experiences. Nevertheless, through these narratives, we can infer that all these women had to make adjustments, whether recognized or not, in their lives in order to enter and remain in the labor market seeking to reconcile the roles of wife, mother and worker. We found that sexual discrimination was a clear element in the Professional history of these women, varying in intensities in different moments of their professional careers


trabalho identidade work discriminação sexual identity educacao fisica sexual discrimination gender discriminacao de sexo as mulheres professoras de educação física psicologia social professors in physical education mulheres -- identidade gênero mulheres -- emprego

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