A trajetória de vida de um jovem que vivenciou o rompimento dos vínculos familiares e um longo período de abrigamento




The objective of the present study is to recognize the trajectory of life and the way how a boy, that lost his original family vinculum and has lived a long seclusion period, is now constructing a new way of life. The intent is a qualitative investigation that make use an oral history methodology. There, we try to understand, through a subject taken as a colective expression, the representations that have being constructed by a life trajectory detail where, during childwood, the family vinculum was broken. Through an analytical approach of such trajectory, we try to grasp his socialization process, his identity construction, the social inclusion ways of life, having as an analysis focus the possibilities of a life project construction and reconstruction


abrigamento marginalidade social socializacao identidade servico social desabrigamento criancas -- assistencia em instituicoes institucionalização de crianças e adolescentes

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