A territorial project in São João da Aliança and the social reproduction of young people in the settlement of Santa Maria / O projeto territorial em São João da Aliança e a reprodução social dos jovens do assentamento Santa Maria




This Master Degree Essay has the objective of studying the relation of the work decision of the young people of the Settlement of Santa Maria and the territorial development of the Municipality of São João da Aliança, in the Northeast of Goiás, Brazil. This analysis has taken as a basic theoretical framework the Territorial Division of Work and the Networks of Power of David Harvey (2005), Milton Santos and M.L. Silveira (2001), and Luiz Fernando Paulillo (2000). The succession in the families of small farmers is an issue well studied worldwide and what these studies show is that the young people do not follow the profession of their parents, abandoning the settlements and the rural life. The consequences are: empty properties, aged families without sons and daughters, and the masculinization of the rural population as many women leave the rural activities and migrate for urban areas. In Brazil similar results have been found in many studies. Nevertheless, no study was found dealing with the problems of succession in the settlements of Agrarian Reform of the Federal Government. So, the present Master Degree Essay studied the professional intentions of 18 young people, 11 young women and 7 young men, who are in the second and third level of the secondary school in the Settlement of Santa Maria. The majority of the young people (62%), 6 young men and 6 young women have the intention of following agricultural occupation and/or non agricultural occupation, remaining in the settlement. The field work was performed by the use of questionnaires and interviews, and with interviews with the parents of the young people. Interviews were, also, performed with different social actors of the municipality. The high rates of permanence of young people in the rural areas found in the answers to their intentions about their future, must be understood with care, as the actual decision will depend mainly on the opportunities of work and income. For sure, young people are not interested in living in rural areas in similar conditions to their parents, which is an agriculture of subsistence with a very low level of income. The results of the field work about young people showed that they are skeptical of working in São João da Aliança. The results of the field work indicated that young people are not aware of the new occupations and opportunities available in the municipality that are developed by different social actors. As a final indication from the field work, it is clear that the isolation of young people is due to the closeness of social relations in the studied area.


desenvolvimento rural - goiás (estado) territorial division of labor fazendas familiares geografia familiar succession rural settlement territorialidade humana rural development

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