A terminologia e os processos de ressemantização e retextualização do Código Penal - parte especial / The terminology and resematization and retextualization processs of Penal Code - special part




This research aims to analyze the terminological set which constitutes de Penal Code Special Part and the processes of resematization and retextualization of this text, in order to check if there is any variation concerning the terms that make the area of specialty and how this variation interferes in the understanding. From this juridical contexture, we desired to understand this universe of the discourse itself, identifying its terminological set and the meaning these elements established among themselves. We constituted the corpora of analysis by texts of doctrinaire Jesus (2001) and Delmanto et al (2007) and by 140 (one hundred and forty) terms, gathered from the orientation of the theoretical patterns of Terminology (base documents), through general works of reading of Law and Penal Law and through the Special Part of Penal Code (analysis corpus). For the comparative analysis of the processes of resemantization of the terms, we built a terminological-discursive form, which was filled with the contexts selected from specific guides and from the Penal Subject from Magazines from Tribunals. These forms were doubled to be filled with the contexts presented by each doctrinaire in study. The comparative analysis explicated that the terminological unities frequently acquire new semantics patterns when are used, suffering resemantization to fit themselves in the reality, demands and contemporary scenarios. The analysis of the processes of resematization and retextualization of the texts shows a linguistic reality, although marked by the stability and terminology of the normative speech, permeated by new dimensions of values and ideologies that highlight the readers presence, by the time it transfigures and adjusts the meaning of the terms and the text to the socio-political-cultural reality.


penal code special part processos de ressemantização e retextualização linguistics terminologia processes of resemantization and retextulaization linguística terminology código penal parte especial

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