A terceira margem : um ensaio para a desconstrução da categoria linguistica de aspecto




This text intends to refuse the representational character of a grammatical category: ASPECT. Although positive definitions (duration, completeness, repetition) can be set up for the aspectual mark, ASPECT does not stand for any other category, in Reality, in Thought or in Language. These extensions are regulative: they are conceived after the categorization itself, in our attempt to conceptualize the phenomenon; they are not constitutive of ASPECT. The assumption of categories as psychological foundational phenomena (a pre-conceptual one), instead of representations of sets of traces, leads to a theoretic breakpoint: ASPECT is feeling - the feeling of conjunction and disjunction of aspectual judgements - and it can be related to contentful definition (not-structuralist ones) if, and only if, we renounce the descriptive nature of linguistic theory.


gramatica categorização (linguistica)

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