A teoria do subimperialismo em Ruy Mauro Marini : contradições do capitalismo dependente e a questão do padrão de reprodução do capital : a história de uma categoria / The theory of subimperialism in Ruy Mauro Marini: the contradictions of dependent capitalism and the question of pattern of capital reproduction : the history of a concept / The theory of subimperialism in Ruy Mauro Marini : the contradictions of dependent capitalism and the question of pattern of capital reproduction : the history of a concept


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis aims at discussing the existence of the premises for a theory of subimperialism throughout Ruy Mauro Marini´s works. Main representative of the Marxist Dependency Theory and author of key works of the critical thought in Latin America such as Dialéctica de la Dependencia and Subdesarrollo y Revolución, Marini coined the concept of subimperialism to explain the phenomenon emerged in the 1960s-70s, in the context of the new international division of labor and the rise of economic and political subcenters of accumulation worldwide, like Brazil. Those subcenters reached an intermediary position between periphery and the core countries, but presented peculiarities that differed from those of semiperipherical ones ¿ despite the fact that they belong to a shared universe. Gathering the results of the research in which we accomplished an imannnent reading of Marini¿s works, this thesis contends that subimperialism has its origins in the laws of dependent economies, whose main elements are the overexploitation of labor force and surplus value transfers. In addition, it is a phenomenon that can be captured by combining four different analytical variables: the degree of monopoly and the operation of financial capital within a dependent economy; the mobilization of a particular scheme for realization of capital (State, international market and elite consumption); the hegemony on a regional subsystem; the logic of antagonistic cooperation with dominant imperialism. Taking these conditions into account, subimperialist expansion is depicted as a means of countervailing the dependent capitalism contradictions, restoring the unit between the production of value and its realization. Whereas these four variables are identifiable throughout an exegesis of Marini¿s work itself, the lost chain for a global theory of subimperialism is the notion of pattern of capital reproduction, partially developed in Marini´s 1980s writings and later deepened by authors like Jaime Osorio. Thus, subimperialism is defined as a form that the pattern of capital reproduction may assume in subcenters of dependent capitalism. Stemming from the study of the Brazilian historical experience, based on Marini´s analysis, the thesis expects to contribute to generate a new path towards a global theory of subimperialism still under construction and that might serve as a basis for critical studies on contemporary Latin American capitalism, as well as to other concrete social-economic formations such as the African continent, both places where the subimperialism has been used as analytical framework, but still needs further development.


história da américa latina marini, ruy mauro ruy mauro marini américa latina história política subimperialism subimperialismo marxist theory of dependence latin american marxism teoria da dependência pattern of capital reproduction marxismo capital (economia) processo de produção

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