A Teoria de redes sociais utilizada para avaliação das colaborações em ambientes virtuais de ensino à distância / The theory of social networks used for evaluation of collaborations in virtual environments for distance learning


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation presents a case study using the theory and technology of social networks for evaluation of the collaboration in forums of a virtual learning environment. Similarly for present education, interactions in virtual environments of education are important and should be considered an variable in the process of knowledge generation. Thus, uses of the social networks analysis to visualize and quantify patterns in the collaborations between the actors who exchange resources in a virtual learning environment. This information allows diagnosing the intrinsic dynamic of the collaborations, thereby serving as a basis for making pedagogical decisions, conceptual or technological, that generate larger exchange of resources between the participants of process of teaching and learning. The study made it possible to analyze how important concepts of the theory of social networks, such as structural modeling of network density, centrality and centralization, may be useful for the management of virtual learning environments. It was found that the structures of networks built had low values for densities, indicating that the number of collaborations between different pairs of vertices is much smaller than the maximum possible. It was also found that networks constructed from the discussion forums are highly centralized, ie have a single central vertex serving as a bridge for the exchange of resources between the different actors and subgroups classified according to the function they perform within the virtual environment. The high values for the indices of centrality of a few vertices of networks built indicated the high capital held by these vertices. The results proved useful for evaluating the dynamics of collaboration in virtual learning environments through discussion forums, and therefore shows that the theory and technology of social networks can be used as technological resources to manage these virtual environments.


dinâmica de colaborações fórum de discussão ambiente virtual de ensino ensino a distância redes sociais sistemas de telecomunicacoes social networks distance learning virtual learning environment discussion forum dynamic collaborations

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