A teoria comparativa do conhecimento de Ludwik Fleck: comunicabilidade e incomensurabilidade no desenvolvimento das ideias científicas / Ludwick Flecks comparative epistemology: communication and incommensurability in the development of scientific ideas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation aims to analyze the development of Fleck\ s proposal of a comparative theory of knowledge, its epistemological status and the diagnosis of some of its theoretical difficulties. We will defend the potentially scientific status of its theory and indicate that the incommensurability between thinking styles constitutes the most immediate problem for its effectiveness. Meanwhile, we intend to synthesize the main methodological guidelines outlined in his theory, understood as an open research program, and indicate possible future developments. This dissertation will start in its Introduction with a brief analysis of the main stages of reception of Fleck\ s work, so as to understand its traditions of readings and the current meaning of his writings. In Chapter I, we will reconstitute the conceptual framework of Fleck\ s comparative theory from the analysis of its main lines and dimensions of development: medical and immunological, sociological, as well as his criticism of historical and logical positivisms. Chapter II is devoted to the analysis of his theory of communicative processes at both the diachronic and synchronous level, as well as the phenomenon of incommensurability. We will establish parallels with Thomas Kuhn and Paul Feyerabend\ s formulations of this phenomenon. In Chapter III, we discuss the thesis of cognitive relationalism defended by Fleck, indicating that his comparative theory of knowledge does not have a privileged epistemological status, being, by its turn, also a relational knowledge. In the face of it, we will defend its scientific character, in accordance, in general, with the other natural sciences. Finally, in our final considerations we indicate, from guidelines released by the philosopher, some of the possible methodological lines that the program of comparative theory must follow regarding the problem of incommensurability and the need for a more precise methodological development.


comparabilidade comparability comparative theory of knowledge epistemologia epistemology incomensurabilidade incommensurability relacionismo relationalism teoria comparativa do conhecimento

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