A "tensão essencial" na formação do professor de física : entre o pensamento convergente e o pensamento divergente




This work brings a reflection about the initial formation of a Physics teacher. We have made a study involving some students of the course, asking about the reasons which support their option for the Physics course of Universidade Estadual de Londrina, as well as the factors that have brought positive influences to their permanence and the barriers that they faced during the course. The research was motivated by the evidence that only a few students finish the course, in relation to other courses offered by the same institution, which seems to be a general characteristic of the Physics courses in Brazil. The choosen theoretical references were Gaston Bachelard and Thomas S. Kuhn. Bachelard brings us the idea of epistemological obstacles - oppositions that turn the scientific learning difficult. In the interviews we could notice that the course offers many difficulties to the students, but we have focused on only two of them: the difficulties related to the resolution of problems in Physics and the relationship student-teacher. At the end, inspired in Thomas Kuhn, it was possible to understand the under graduation of a Physics teacher as a tension between two distinct ways of thought. On the one hand, the teachers, as physicists must be introduced to a convergent way of thinking about the world, because the scientific learning, accordind to Kuhn s thought consists basically in the systematic exposition of the learner to the examples, to the paradigms shared by the scientific comunity, whose ideas are not put in doubt in no moment. On the other hand, when the student, as a teacher, goes to any classroom, he will face himself with another reality, whose analysis demand a sort of thought that we could call divergent, because: the "object" of his reflexions (student) can t be thought from well defined paradigms; the problems that he will find don t seem to have only one solution; besides that, it doesn t seem that there is only one methodology to garantee meaningful learning to all students. That is, under graduation of a Physics teacher involves the iniciation of students to both ways of thought: the convergent and divergent. Paraphrasing Kuhn, we could say that this would be the "essential tension" present in the graduation of a Physics teacher.


physics - study and teaching física - estudo e ensino

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