A temática financeira na agenda da política externa do governo Lula: o BNDES e o modelo de participação e exposição financeira do Brasil na América do Sul




This work encompasses two different thematic areas: the Brazilian foreign policy studies, area concentrated on the studies of international relations; and the studies with focus on the financial political economy, with special attention to Brazils public system characterization. Both areas regard a central concern: Brazils economic development. This research seeks to map two central questions: the articulation between BNDES and PEB for the period from 2003 to 2007; and the Brazils financial model of participation and exposure in the South-American region defended by this government. This work manages to highlight the importance of financial theme on Brazils foreign policy agenda during Lulas administration. At the same time, this work understands that the regional financial theme proposed by Lulas government regards a lineage structured in Brazilian financial condition


brasil -- politica economica finance internacionalização america latina -- integracao economica foreign policy relacoes internacionais, bilaterais e multilaterais regional integration internationalization financiamento investimentos política externa banco nacional de desenvolvimento economico e social (brasil) brasil -- relacoes internacionais investments integração regional

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