A técnica do diferencial semântico para avaliação de fenômenos acústicos no interior de aeronaves
Alexsandro Luiz de Andrade
This study aimed at developing a psychometric measure, based on the semantic differential technique, for acoustic properties evaluation inside aircrafts. In the process of measure construction two studies composed the research: a first semantic descriptors study for sound and vibration, and a second specific construction study for the aircraft inside sound evaluation measure. In total 685 people took part on one of the thirteen research stages, and 393 were male and 292, female, mean participant age was 25 years old, with a 7 years and 2 months standard deviation. First study results consisted of a list containing valid descriptors for describing aircraft inside acoustic and vibration phenomena. The second study had as a final product a semantic differential scale composed by four factors, Appreciation, Adequacy, Stability and Intensity, which, after statistical procedures such as calculating reliability coefficient Cronbach alpha and multivariate analysis of variacne (MANOVA), presented satisfactory validity and reliability parameters. A two-dimensional aircraft inside acoustic event evaluation model was proposed from the analyses set, the first dimension was composed by intercorrelated factors Appreciation, Adequacy and Intensity, related to affective evaluative aspects linked to the object, and the second dimension was composed by Stability and Adequacy factors, linked to the acoustic phenomenon#s technical evaluative aspects in aircrafts.
psicologia psicologia psicometria análise fatorial aeronaves acústica - avaliação
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