A tecnica de Tai Ji Quan como suporte para o desenvolvimento das habilidades psicofisicas do dançarino contemporaneo / Tai Ji Quan technique as a support for the development of contemporary dancer s psychophysics abilities




The central idea of this research consists of the application of theoretical concepts of the modern dance (North American and German), approached by their pioneers - Dalcroze, Delsarte, Isadora Duncan, Denishawn, Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey, Rudolf Laban and Mary Wigman - conjugated to the beginnings of Tai Ji Quan, more specifically with respect to their linkages, seeking to provide facilitative technician-expressive instruments for the contemporary dancer in his creative process and poetic constructions. It breaks of the presupposition that the concepts of the modern dance can be applied in the inclination of the (re)-discovery of the body as a unit psychophysical and to contribute in a qualitative way for the person s performance, be daily or scenic. In the same way they were applied some beginnings of the technique of the Tai ji Quan. It is believed that the search of a proposal of psychophysical training for dancers owes, before everything, to aim at the global development of the same ones, starting from the solemnity-knowledge and discovery of the body, as the human being s unit psychophysical


dance creativity t ai chi chuan tai ji quan criatividade dança

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