A técnica como dispositivo de controle do corpomídia / Technique as an Instrument of Bodymedia Control




Corporal technique has been defined by Western Common Sense as being a mechanical repetition that disciplines the body with a specific purpose in mind. This thesis proposes to destabilize traditional dichotomies of the theory-practice and mind-body type that have been responsible for the longevity of some ontological metaphors such as the body-recipient and the body-instrument that have collaborated efficiently with the most traditional definition of body-technique, as well as the stereotypes of human nature (Pinker, 2004). In methodological terms, the thesis promotes the crossing of studies of different areas of knowledge such as ethnology (Mauss, 1934), the cognitive sciences (Berthoz, 1997, Noë, 2004), the theories of communication (Sodré, 2006, Greiner and Katz, 2005) and political philosophy (Agamben, 2009). The result of the study is the compartmentalization of questions raised by this range of authors and practical experiments, whose starting point is the Klauss Vianna technique, bearing in mind the particular way this technique deals with the body and its communicative processes, generating complex solutions of adaptation in diverse environments (bodies, cities, artistic spaces, etc.). In conclusion, the thesis proposes a political-cognitive redefinition that starts by seeing technique as a communicative operator and a tool of power that can both discipline the body and activate the strategies of political resistance. Everything depends on the processes of mediation that will be activated during the communicative experience between the body and its surroundings


corpomídia bodymedia corpo humano dance technique bale (danca) linguagem corporal communication comunicacao vianna, klaus técnica de dança

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