a study on the state fund to combat poverty FECOP to strengthen the equity of individual low-income families in the state of Ceara / um estudo sobre o fundo estadual de combate à pobreza FECOP para o fortalecimento do patrimônio individual das famílias de baixa renda do estado do Ceará




This paper aims to do a study on the State Fund to Combat Poverty - FECOP, its creation, laws, objectives and performance, especially in the aspect of its ability to foster change through the proposed projects, strengthening the individual assets and therefore improving the quality of life of beneficiary families, whose families are those who are below the poverty line, defined as those who perceive an income below half the minimum wage per person. This thesis also aims to describe the actions taken by FECOP, making a diagnosis of poverty at the municipal level, quantifying and mapping the specific needs of each municipality by the IDF - Development Index of the Family, built from CADÚNICO.


pobreza família fecop fecop family ciencias sociais aplicadas poverty idf Índice de desenvolvimento da família idf - development index of the family

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