A study of the structure of the synoptic pertubation from northeast Brazilian / Um estudo da estrutura das pertubações sinóticas do Nordeste do Brasil




An analysis of synoptic disturbances which appear in the Northeast Brazil region is presented. Three periods were selected and classified as disturbed and non-disturbed, "according to the occurrence or not .of a significant amount of rainfall. Streamlines, isotachs, and vertical velocity (omega) charts are presented for the selected periods. Vertical velocity fields computed by the kinematic method show a good agreement with the rainfall patterns. Ciclonic vortices extending from 700 mb up to 300 mb accompanied by ascending motions throughout the entire troposphere are observed during the disturbed periods. In contrast, the South Atlantic subtropical anticyclone dominates the tropospheric flow over Northeast Brazil during the non-disturbed period and the vertical velocity undergoes great variations. in sign with height. Temperature inversions and consequent cloudness and rainfall supression were also observed during the non-disturbed period. Vertical profiles of relative humidity show that there is a reasonable amount of moisture at low levels even during the non-disturbed period. One may then conjecture about the inexistence of an instability mechanism during the non-disturbed period.


região nordeste - brasil precipitação (meteorologia) ciências meteorológicas meteorologia sinótica

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