A study of Bayesian methods for survival data with missing covariates. / Um estudo de métodos bayesianos para dados de sobrevivência com omissão nas covariáveis




The development of methods dealing with missing data is recent in Statistics and is the target of many researchers. The presence of missing values in the covariates is very common in statistical analysis and, in particular, in clinical, epidemiological and enviromental studies for survival data. This work considers a bayesian approach to analise data with missing covariates for parametric models in the Weibull family and for the Cox semiparametric model. The studied methods are evaluated for the parametric and semiparametric approaches considering a dataset of patients with heart insufficiency. Also, the impact of different omission proportions is assessed.


bayesian inference omissão nas covariáveis missing covariates survival analysis análise de sobrevivência inferência bayesiana

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