A socialização dos professores da educação profissional na contemporaneidade: identidades docentes entre permanências, ambiguidade e tensões




The main concerning of this thesis has been about social identities accomplishment, understanding them as a relational and multidimensional process performed through successive socialization. In relation to specific theme, this survey was carried out under socialization methodologies of agricultural technical teaching professor at the time of educational politics start on the 90s, concerning about the management model restoring and technological institution working as well as professor professionalization conception. However, data from field research forced to an analysis motion giving rise to professional establishment, when around 1910 to 1940, and republican public announcement for the professionalization of an education able to interfere over poor young people, useful citizens professional teaching have emerged on society. Verifying global significatives of official system as competence ideas and education, an approachment was limited on, in spite of notifying over local contexts and resistances no consensus or ordinary readings on the global significatives were reported. Through field research and bibliographic references institutional space-time existence pointed by permanences and ambiguities have been demonstrated when at currents days these signs from past ages and structural duality under school/university sphere pressurize sociocultural methods towards actions and emancipated character perception from hegemonic agrarian commands. Theorical discussion was based on political and cultural spaces understanding that on society both groups and people have been shaped in relation to knowledgements, values, behaviors and profiles for playing a role on every professional occupation or another professional area. In order to represent not as much balanced reality about determinations and permanences relationships under the same stress to and for teaching professionalization dispute has been corroborate. In this meaning, the main goal of the survey was to understand agricultural technical teaching professor identities from social professional process institutionalized by political and academic socialization aspect. Above all, it was considered this sphere as a conflict place, specially crossed by outter and inner as well as subjective and objective spheres to professional groups. According to Pierre Bourdieu, Berger and Luckmam, Anthony Giddens, Gimeno Sacristán, Claude Dubar, Eliot Freidson on ANFOPE and ANPED speechs, data and information approachment / interpretation were based on. As maintained by Eli Lima, Anísio Teixeira, Sérgio Miceli and Renato Ortiz ideas nation and culture studies, institutional scheme played by actors / agents was demonstrated. In relation to political, economical and cultural practices of contemporary societies, theories by Roberto Jose Moreira were reported. The methodology of this survey has been based on human and social sciences qualitative research where proceedings and mechanisms from ethnographic nature have noticed professor occupation as a social performance on ruptures methods with ancient patterns, therefore a professional-social group represented by tensions caused between permanencies and ambiguities over a relational reality in accordance to dynamics of new institutionalization practices.


sociologia professionalization agricultural teaching ensino agrícola profissionalização capital cultural e docência cultural capital and teaching staff.

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