A six-month prospective evaluation of mental heath follow-up in new Ayahuasca religious users / Follow-up em saude mental de pessoas que experimentam pela primeira vez a Ayahuasca em contexto religioso




This study carried out a mental health evaluation of individuals who used the psychedelic beverage ayahuasca in the ritual context of two religious settings: the Santo Daime and União do Vegetal. This research extended a previous study which evaluated 28 subjects 2-4 days before their first experience with ayahuasca and 1-2 weeks after it. Current results were elicited by means of a six-month follow up of 23 of those subjects (15 belonging to the Santo Daime and 8 to the União do vegetal). Qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods were integrated, including semi structured interviews to assess behaviors related to psychosocial dimensions and the search for other religions and/or therapeutic agencies, as well as the involvement of the subjects into the Santo Daime or UDV activities. Standardized measures included scores on instruments assessing psychiatric symptoms, personality variables and quality of life. Independent variables were the frequency of ayahuasca use throughout the follow-up period and the length of ayahuasca wash-out after six months. Qualitative interviews elicited integration of personal and religious insights by 43% of the sample and behavioral improvements in 65% of the subjects, out of which 43% associated them with ayahuasca consumption. Comparisons with the results of the evaluations 2-4 days before the first ayahuasca experience revealed that in the following 6 months there was a significant reduction of the psychiatric symptoms in the Santo Daime group but not in the general sample. Santo Daime subjects also had personality trait changes towards greater confidence and optimism. The União do Vegetal group had a significant decrease in the physical pain domain of the quality of life measure, and personality trait change toward more independence. Independence was positively correlated with the frequency of ayahuasca use and negatively correlated with the wash-out period. Possible mechanisms by which these changes may occur are discussed and suggestions for areas of future research are considered


ritual psicologia banisteriopsis ceremonial behavior psychiatry religion psiquiatria antropologia anthropology ayahuasca religião psychology

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