A significação afetiva da solidão: um estudo com migrantes na cidade de São Paulo




The affective meaning of loneliness: a study with migrants in the city of São Paulo. The subject loneliness has been pointed out as one of the problem matters of the end of the Twentieth century, due to the present moment of globalization and of exarcebation of individualism. The actual research has as aim to analyze the affective significance, by means of psicosocial ( Vygotsky and Heller ) theoretical referential, ascribed by the migrants from the northeastem region of the country, workers in the civil building, presently living in this city of São Paulo in a period of 12to 18 months. The matter present basic importance due to the condition of the migrant which characterizes a process of social inclusion by the exclusion. A study has been made on the matter loneliness in general and loneliness of the migrant. Loneliness is focused as an inter-subjective and intra-subjective as well as historic process. In the analysis of the data, the following units appeared as connotations of loneliness: city, identity of the migrant, social relations, projetcts regarding the future, strategies for facing the problem, place of origin. Within them is has been possible to analyze the ambiguities and the meaning configurations of loneliness as state and feelings, starting from the inerconnections among conscience, thougth, sentiments, experiences and memories. Loneliness does not appear as the most important feeling, and it isl not associated to the state of being alone. The negative connotation of loneliness-suffering is associated to the work, the discrimination, the absence of a famale partner Cof a woman companion) and of the family. The individual does not stay passive fàcing the social fact. He develops strategiesof fighting back which enables him to surpass the social barriers


inclusao/exclusao social psicologia social sofrimento migracao solidao

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