A sexualidade no cuidado de enfermagem de mulheres com câncer ginecológico e mamário / Sexuality in nursing care for women with gynecological and breast cancer


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This qualitative study aimed to analyze if the sexuality is one of the dimensions of nursing care for women with gynecological and breast cancer assisted at a university hospital. Data collection was performed using semi-structured individual interview as sources of information. 16 professionals of the nursing team were interviewed; being nine allocated in the Nursing Section of the Gynecology Unit and seven in the Mastology and Gynecological Oncology Outpatient Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto Medical School. The content analysis methodology was used and the theoretical support for data analysis was sexuality as socio-cultural construction. Data were coded initially in two cores of meaning. From these two cores of meaning, four thematic units were built: \"Disease and sexuality of women: recognizing the problem\", \"Sexuality as a dimension of nursing care\", \"Identifying barriers in addressing sexuality\", and \"Recognizing the need for restructuring assistance\". In the first thematic core, the perceptions of nursing staff in relation to impairment of the sexuality of women affected by gynecological and breast cancer were highlighted. Recognizing that vanity is inherent in female nature and that women give much importance to physical appearance, the difficulties faced in living with the mutilated body as well as the impact of these physical changes in marital relations were discussed. In the second theme, the care practices that include sexuality were explored. The nursing professionals, who were interviewed, include the issue of sexuality in care in a nonsystematic manner, which most often does not give identity to their practices that become discontinued. It infers that the approach of sexuality can be irreverent and can be benefited in certain conditions. The third theme focuses on the barriers mentioned as hindering the approach of sexuality within the practices adopted. These barriers relate to the health model, to the characteristics of institutional dynamics and to the social interpretations of sexuality, being recognized as modulators of the actions. In the development of the fourth theme, the perspectives for change in assistance were considered, guided by reflections and proposals mentioned by the nurse professionals. The wanted restructuring go through changes in the development, in the personal and professional values as well as through the recognition of the possibilities of intervention. This study has limitations because it deals with a complex subject such as sexuality. However the considerations made about the care provided by nursing staff instigate the reflection and search for new paradigms of care. The discussions are not limited and further studies are needed, including those directed to the woman affected by the disease, making it possible to confront the views regarding the issue of sexuality.


breast neoplasms enfermagem neoplasias da mama neoplasias dos genitais femininos neoplasms of female genital nursing sexualidade sexuality

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