A SÉRIE CONTOS DA MEIA NOITE: Textos literários transmutados para televisão.




This work focuses on the changeover process from printed short story to TV broadcast, based on the TV series Contos da Meia Noite [CMN], produced and broadcasted by TV Cultura a Padre Anchieta Foundations network. Starting with the short story concept and gathering information from the series first year, the final result is 89 episodes. The goal of this series is to understand the CMN specifications used in the content analysis, specifically: the introduction text, a short story, and the final credits, in a 10 episodes sample. Included is an interview with Fernando Martins, creator of the TV series. This new changeover proposal can be considered as a TV broadcast possibility of keeping both the short narratives authorship and the printed book style.(AU)


literatura brasileira comunicacao brazilian literature transmutação short-story conto televisão changeover adaptação adaptation television

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