A sentença parcial de mérito na perspectiva do formalismo-valorativo


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis aims to analyze the Partial Sentence of Merit from the perspective of Formalism with values as a way to achieve a faster judicial provision in terms of Brazilian Civil Procedure. For that there were the bibliographical and the jurisprudential research as paper´s methodology. The specific objective on this paper is about demonstrating the possibility of partial judgment of merit on the assumption of, with overlapping of requests, one of them (or part) can be decided without conclusive statement that lacks, however, the other nomination. This thesis still addressed two similar institutes in Italian law ¿ condemnation with reservation ¿ and in Brazilian one ¿ tutelage anticipation. In addition, this paper seeks to demonstrate what is the appropriate resource against partial sentence of merit, as well as its effectiveness. Finally, this thesis sought to address the treatment of the institute in the draft of the new code of Civil Procedure and it proposes a solution of lege ferenda for an appropriate regulation of the institute.


brazilian civil procedure direito processual civil partial judgment sentenca : direito processual civil merito da causa : direito processual civil merit coisa julgada appeal formalismo-valorativo res judicata condemnation with reservation tutelage anticipation formalism with values fundamental rights effectiveness duration fair process legal security procedura civile brasiliana sentenza parziale merito appello cosa giudicata condanna con riserva anticipazione della tutela formalismo con valori diritti fondamentali efficacia durata ragionevole del processo sicurezza giuridica

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