A saude do trabalhador na rede de atenção basica de saude : construindo viabilidades a partir de um projeto pedagogico




This is an analysis of the Pedagogical Project for the education of professionals from the basic health care network, in the area of worker s health, as developed with Teams of Family Hea1th from the Municipal Health Services Division in Londrina. The research work was developed in two phases: The first phase was carried out during the application ofthe lnstructional Module for Qualification ofthe Basic Health Care network in Worker s Health, as proposed by the Ministry of Health Coordination of Worker s Health. During that course several instruments for data collection were used (observation, analysis of letters, statements). The second phase, developed during some months afier the course, comprehended interviews with the leading members of the municipal division and with a focal group formed by professionals from the local team who had attended the course. ln order to verify the leveI of agreement on the duties pertaining to the area ofworker s health as established by the basic health care division, a forro was applied before and afier the course. The students/professionals c1aimedto have become considerate in regards to the issue, while acquiring knowledge either little or never discussed before and to have visualized actions diverse and likely to be taken. The pedagogical conception from Paulo Freire s and Vigotsky"s referentials, the teaching and learning strategies that were used as the basis for the module, proved favorable to the development of a critical analysis on the health status and own conditions of the workers. As limits for the incorporation of these actions, the basic hea1th care professionals highlighted: the organization of the working process in the Basic Health Units, the discontinuity ofthe changing processes, whereas the leading team referred to the inexistence of an information system to make clear the problems ofthe Worker s Health, the profile and formation ofthe health professionals, the disarticulation between support services and surveillances. The Module was considered as a tool for an expansion of the discussion and debate with local and central agents on the incorporation of the worker s health to the basic health care, in consonance with the principIes and guidelines ofthe National Unified Health System


educação permanente saude e trabalho

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