A saúde bucal do idoso assistido em domicílio / The oral health of the elderly assisted at home




This dissertation is the result of an investigation that, from the methodological point of view, was based on a quantitative and qualitative approach. Carried out with the participation of the elderly and/or caregivers linked to the Home Care Services (HCS) of Hospital do Servidor Publico Municipal de Sao Paulo; this study turned the focus to the problematization on the effects of dental intervention on those who benefited from it. From this axis of perspective, I explored the social and subjective representations of the health/disease process, and its relationship to age, which were mobilized before and after the said intervention. The conduction of the debate was held in accordance with the following steps: in the first chapter, I conducted a bibliographical review, exploring the central concepts of the aging process and old age under the point of view of Geriatrics and Gerontology. I therefore tried, to explore and explain the diversity of "scientific representations, related to the subject matter in question, with a twofold purpose: show the movement of reflection of the area to which this work is affiliated and at the same time, their possible effects on the imagination of the one who experiences the condition of the elderly (the patient/subject) and/or those who are included in this problem, by the relationship that they hold with the latter (the caregivers). In the second chapter, drawing from Foucault (1979, 1994), I conducted a historical retrospective on the "tertiary spatialization (social) of health" and the consequent "medicalization of the hospital. That s because, the discussion was interested in identifying how (and when) hospitals privileged health care facilities, in the care and promotion of health - were opened up to other professionals in the formation of interdisciplinary teams (SAD-HSPMSP is thereby structured). It also has brought to light an epidemiological investigation, carried out by this team - and in which I participated as a researcher that revealed from the dental geriatrics point of view, the elderly oral health profile, over there assisted. In the third chapter, reflection on health/disease and its relationship with the assistance provided to the population was guided by analyzing the data collected in field research. In it, I focused on the "look" of the dentist the patient s oral health, as well as on the perception of the patient reported by him/herself or caregiver. As already mentioned, the quantitative and qualitative methodology guided the final interpretation. Taking into account the debate on the issue that involves the adoption of this view to the health area,I took as its starting point, the intersection of the reflections on the interpretation of cultures, the oral health of the elderly and the self-perceived oral health. In conclusion, I indicated the possible contributions of this work for the discussion of the object that gives life to the field of Gerontology the elderly - a vision beyond the biological


gerontologia gerontology the elderly oral health servico social dental geriatrics idosos -- cuidados no lar saude bucal odontologia geriatrica odontogeriatria

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