A saúde bucal da criança na primeira infância: o olhar do cuidador familiar / Oral health children in early childhood: the look of family caregivers




This study aimed to understand the experiences of family caregivers of children in early childhood related to oral health care, and to identify in their daily lives the elements that interfere in this care. The empirical base consisted of twelve interviews with family caregivers of children under the age of six, living in the Eastern Health District of Ribeirão Preto-SP, which were tape-recorded. In addition to the interview, observation and search in the childrens patient files were used as strategies. Based on the qualitative approach, supported by the hermeneutical perspective, the empirical material was interpreted and discussed. Five empirical categories were identified: who are the caregivers, the children and their families; the family caregivers; the meanings of oral health care; the interactions in care for the childs oral health; in search of the causes and prevention of oral diseases and the actuality of health services and of dentistry. The analysis made it possible to apprehend the childs vulnerability to oral diseases by identifying other than biological elements, present in the daily life of family caregivers which increase their vulnerability or protect them from disease, according to the dynamics and complexity of their interaction. The caregiversexperiences contributed to the revision of oral health prevention and promotion strategies, which had been directed at the focus of risk and individual accountability until then, providing elements to help health services to reorganize oral health care for children in early childhood. Thus, with a view to an actual contribution to comprehensive care for childrens health, together with other knowledge and practice areas, attention should be directed at other dimensions of human existence. Acknowledging the Other in his/her singularity reveals to be essential, respecting his/her experiences and feelings and searching, through shared and responsible choices, the true meeting, which is the essential meaning of care.


cuidado em saúde child criança health care vulnerabilidade saúde bucal oral health vulnerability

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