A ruptura da narratividade tradicional nas cenas enunciativas das canÃÃes do tropicalismo / The breach of tradicional narrative in the enunciative scenes of tropicalism songs


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work aims at showing how the tropicalist text breaks with the structure of traditional texts. For that purpose, we characterize the traditional narrativity and show how this rupture happens in the tropicalist positioning through the description of the procedures used in the non-structuring process of tropicalist texts as well as the factors that create the deconstruction in the song scenes. This research is grounded in the French Discourse Analysis developed by Dominique Maingueneau (2001), enhancing important concepts as scenography, genre and language codes, intertextuality and interdiscursivity, and in the Literomusical Discourse developed by Costa (2001). In the analysis we rely on the studies of Adam and Revaz (1996) about the narrativity conception based on a canonical model, according to the following structure: initial situation, transformation and final situation. According to this structure, we explored the relation between the text and its production conditions in analyzing the aspects which permit us the verification of how the narrativity rupture happens in the tropicalist movement from the Military Dictatorship, from the Post-Modernity historical process, and from its conception of subject, among other socio-historical and cultural aspects proposed by Hall (2006) and Sanches (2000).


linguistica anÃlise do discurso tropicalismo narratividade pÃs-modernidade. discourse analysis tropicalism narrativity post-modernity tropicalismo(movimento musical) anÃlise do discurso narrativo canÃÃes - brasil,nordeste - histÃria e crÃtica pÃs-modernismo veloso,caetano,1942- - crÃtica e interpretaÃÃo gil,gilberto,1942- - crÃtica e interpretaÃÃo

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