A romanização como cultura religiosa : as praticas sociais e religiosas de D. João Batista Correa Nery, Bispo de Campinas, 1908-1920 / The romanization as religious culture




Under the perspective of the Cultural History, this dissertation analyzes some practices of reading made on the movement of the Brazilian romanization, especia1ly, in the Campinas diocese, under the D. João Batista Correa Nery pastoral govemment, between 1908 and 1920. The aim of this study is to understand this historical context through the social and religious practices of this bishop. This study demonstrates that, in the search of creating a Catholic culture capable of transforming Brazil into a Catholic nation, the social and discursive practices of the Brazilian episcopacy were motivated by religious precepts, particularly, the sacramental doctrine that interprets the Church as a sign of God in the world. In doing so, the episcopacy and, especia1ly, D. Nery, promoted the visibility of the Church through liturgical and spiritual renewal, introducing new elements in order to stimulate the religious sensibility and the materiality of faith. A crucial aspect for the romanization was the propagation of the Catholic doctrine through printed material. In conc1usion, this religious culture guaranteed the success of both the internal reforms, which happened, progressively, in the Catholic institution, and the political articulations made by Catholic Church with different segments of Brazilian society.


religião e cultura religion and culture espiritualidade spirituality identidade identity igreja catolica - historia history catholic church

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