A representação documentária de informações estatísticas: quando a ordem dos fatores altera o produto / A representação documentária de informações estatísticas: quando a ordem dos fatores altera o produto




This paper deals with the study on the documentary representation of statistical information. From the recognition that the statistical information represents social realities, the study identifies their specificities and their documentary representation, focusing its popularization in Internet and, therefore, its transmission without the presence of the librarian. It is based on two premises: first, the statistical information has characteristics that differentiate it from the textual information, and, second, not all the recommendations for the documentary language construction to represent textual information, necessarily represent statistical information. Using reference of documentary language construction and terminology, some parameters were systematized so that also the treatment and the popularization of the statistical information take place as possibilities of generating new knowledge.


linguagem documentária dissemination of information statistical information informação estatística disseminação da informação representação documentária documentary representation indexation documentary language indexação

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