A representação de cidade e de planejamento urbano em Porto Alegre : estado, mercado e sociedade civil em disputa pela representação legítima


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This is a case study of a Brazilian city, Porto Alegre, whose municipal administrations bet, since the early twentieth century, the concepts and tools of urban planning to build and organize the occupation and land use in the city. Nevertheless, urban problems typical of Brazilian cities, such as irregular land, the housing deficit, social fragmentation and urban segregation, grew up and still persist today. The research seeks to elements that help to understand why the urban planning system, even innovating with the introduction of participatory planning in the preparation of the Master Plan and the Participatory Budget itself (created in 1990) - that have decentralized local management decisions - proved limited to face this situation. The research is ethical commitment to contribute to the construction of a scientific approach that questions the practices of state agencies and the concepts of urban planning and city that show incompatible with building a city that guarantees citizenship to all and the development of civil society. And also indicate possibilities of building a democratic relationship between state, market and civil society can express itself with autonomy in public spheres whose theme is the city. The study object is the representation of the key actors that interact in spaces where debate and formulates policy for urban planning of the city. The research analyzes the representations of these actors in order to answer how they influence their actions and what is its impact on the profile that this policy takes. They use the theories of collective representation of Durkheim (2004) and the social representation of Moscovici (2003) as references. The general theory of modern society and the concept of contemporary society, Habermas (1989, 1996) and Cohen-Arato (2001), to analyze social action in the context of the emergence of new actors and public spheres heterogeneous. The theme of the city is investigated in relation with the modernization of society. The sociological problem of the study can be summarized in the following question: to what extent the social representations of the city and the urban planning process of the actors who act in the social space of Porto Alegre influence the outcome of this policy? Among the conclusions are presented: the concept of modernization that the survey indicated as suitable for empirical analysis, such as civil society questions the hegemonic representation of social development in Brazil, the possibilities of organizing a Planning System oriented development civil society, the importance of approaches to Jacobs (2001) and Harvey (1992) for a critique of urban planning, government actions and market.


sociologia urbana representation of the city city and modernity planejamento urbano planejamento participativo city and civil society contemporary city políticas públicas city and urban planning representação coletiva representação social cidade sociedade moderna sociedade civil porto alegre (rs)

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