A relação publico-privada na industria petroquimica brasileira : da estruturação articulada a reestruturação incerta




The development of the Brazilian petrochemical industry was characterized by the formation of the tripartite model, with participation of state capital, local capital and multinational firms. This alliance was the result of a social enginnering process which combined public and private interests for the formation of a highly integrated industrial structure in this sector. Along this process, the Brazilian state performed multiple functions, such as planning the organization of the division of are as between local and foreign firms, the financing of local firms and even of the risk of some ventures with state enterprises. The Brazilian state was an active element within the petrochemical industrial structure. The main outcome was the formation of three petrochemical complexes in less than two decades, which brought about a new round of import substitution, a better integration of the industrial matrix, the national control of the petrochemical supply and the formation of local entrepreneurs in an important sector ofthe Brazilian industrial structure. The state participation underpinned a. stable development in the petrochemical industry with good economic outcomes even in the period of slow growth of the Brazilian economy. Nonetheless, the state in the 1980s brought about a disarrangement on the state regulation system that had been built up in the petrochemical sector. There was the weakening of the public-private interest articulation that had characterized the industry. A new pattern of regulation was designed for the Brazilian state, in the 1990s, with the aim of reducing its size and influence over the economy. As part of this state reform, there were institutional changes, such as liberalization of international trade and privatization of state enterprises, which affected the petrochemical industry in the current decade...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


industria petroquimica - brasil

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