A relação mãe-bebe e as manisfestações psicossomaticas precoses




In this paper we propose to study the relationship between mother and child during the child s first year of life, and the child s psychosomatic development derived from this relationship. It is a theoretic and clinic study with psychoanalytic referen ces, in which we try to gather knowledge about the formation of the individual s psychosomatic unity at its early development stages. We also try to understand the emergent psychosomatic manifestations at this stage within the psychodinamic context of the mother &child relationship. In the two first chapters some theories prioritizing the role of the link between mother and child in the individual s psychosomatic development are reviewed. Next, the emergent psy chosomatic manifestations in the first year of life are approa ched in a general sense, in an attempt to consider them as indi cations of a block in the child s psychosomatic development, de riving from disharmonies in the relationship between mother and child. In the fourth chapter the description of a clinical case is presented, where we try to focus on the relationship between a child and its mother. Next, some considerations about the case presented are made. Finally, we deem the present study as a contribution to the understanding of the early stages of the human development, which might provide data to be used with therapeutic and prophylactic


crianças - desenvolvimento crianças - problemas emocionais mãe e filhos psicanalise

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