A relação entre ansiedade e o desenvolvimento da competencia oral em lingua estrangeira




The present study is an attempt to understand the relationship between anxiety and the development of oral competence in a Foreign Language (FL). Axiety in the FL classroom context is experienced by students when confronted with a situation in which they have limited linguistic abilities. In the various communication situations to which students are exposed, a special type of fear arises, brought on by internal or external stimuli not directed at an external object and is recognised as FL use anxiety. The study attempts to determine the relationship between anxiety and oral communication in a FL by categorizing related manifestations and behaviors. In addition the study aimed at showing how anxiety can interfere with the students? performance. The subjects were interviewed and they made diary notations in which they registered their thoughts on the experience of learning English as FL as well as their feelings and perceptions. A profile of students, teacher and class was developed using observation notes, recording and transcriptions of classess, so that a better knowledge of each particular aspect of FL could be developed as well as other aspects in the process of learning a FL. Despite the fact that subjects did not express anxiety openly it was possible to categorize a range of behaviors in the data that were considered to be manifestations of anxiety. ... Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


linguagem aquisição da segunda linguagem ensino - aprendizagem

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