A reinvenção da provincia : a revista Joaquim e o espaço de estreia de Dalton Trevisan




This essay addresses a few aspects of the second half of the 40 s in what respects the emergence of a significant number of young magazines which altered the literary geography in post-war Brazil. In spite of intending to elucidate the phenomena of the young magazines, it concentrates on the one that was the most representative within this period: Joaquim, which carne out in Curitiba between 1946 and 1948. The study of Joaquim necessarily implies discussing the literary production of its director and leading actor: Dalton Trevisan. The essay, therefore, takes on a bifrontal aspect insofar as it looks upon "the storyteller of Paraná" both as the agent of this publication and as someone who is acted upon by it. Ultimately the aim is to shed light upon the formative years of Trevisan by defining his role in Joaquim and inserting this magazine in the historical context.


modernismo (literatura) literatura brasileira

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