A reinserção dos cursos de água em áreas urbanas. Estudo de caso: Microbacia do Córrego Jataí - Uberlândia /MG / The reinsertion of the watercourses in urban areas. Case study: the Stream watershed Jataí - Uberlândia/MG


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The main objective of this work is to promote the reinsertion of urban water in the context of physical and territorial planning, in the cities, through the study of the watershed of Jataí stream in Uberlândia-MG. Pursuiting the rebalancing of the waters with the urban environment, this work promote the connectivity and physical strengthening of the relations between man and environment / nature. The study analyzed the environmental impacts generated in the watershed with the process of urbanization and infrastructure works carried out in the stream and surrounding areas. Simulation of 4 (four) scenarios were proposed and hydrological parameters were raised in a natural conditions (before the urbanization process), as far as current urbanization, complete urbanization and ideal urbanization. To develop this ideal scenario, direct and preventive urban interventions were proposed, through the inclusion of an ecological and sustainable urban design, with the use of green infrastructure, such as parks and green areas, based on the principles of an environmental planning and structured in an Ecological-Economic Zoning (EEZ) of the watershed of Jataí stream. The results were compared and evaluated in an integrated manner, with the use of remote sensing techniques and the guidelines adopted showed a positive result in the hydrological simulations, with the significant increase in permeability, time of concentration and reduction of peak flows, showing, respectively, in the scenarios A, B, C and D the following values: 2,81 m3/s, 19,70 m3/s, 51,24 m3/s, and 15,15 m/3s.Thus, it is understood that, through the control of the permeation rates, considering only the areas of public use, such interventions are sufficient to promote significant effects on the control of direct runoff and flooding, allowing the minimization of environmental impacts.


renaturalização córrego jataí infraestrutura verde canalização ou retificação sustentabilidade desenho urbano ecológico planejamento ambiental sensoriamento remoto engenharia civil microbacias hidrográficas jataí, córrego (mg) política ambiental - uberlândia (mg) renaturation stream jataí green infrastructure pipelines or correction sustainability urban design eco environmental planning remote sensing

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