A reforma da política previdenciária brasileira na década de 90: um estudo de suas determinações sócio-históricas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present thesis, with the title "The reform of Brazilian Social Security Policy in the 1990s decade - a study of its social-historical determinations", aimed to perceive and understand some of the exogenous and endogenous components essential for the comprehension of the reform process. The exogenous determinations, universal as they are, have as their core and focal point the international capitalism crisis unleashed on the mid 70s. Generally speaking, two aspects can be detached fromthe strategies aimed towards capitalism rearrangement: the first one refers to the formulation of a new labor organization process provided by technological and scientific advancement; and the second one directed towards the process of restructuring the State social welfare, in spite of being framed by the pragmatism of the neoliberal set of ideas. Considered as directive axles in this subject s discussion, they mediate the analysis about the Social Security reform process.The first one, because of the increase on the amount of precarious and informal work and on unemployment rates provided by the technological and scientific advancement, that affect especially third world countries and emerging countries like ours. This fact has a direct impact on the financing mechanism of the Social Security system, because of its regressivity, as it falls back on and affects mainly the overall salaries payroll. The widely-known-and-divulged Social Security deficit then comes up as one of the most plain, clear and evident L justifications for its reform. The importance of the second axle is founded on the grounds of the affirmation for the system s reform need, being the restructuring of that State social welfare pedagogically evoked as a model, in spite of the nonexistence of such welfare in our country. Starting on 1989, that universality is translated into the singularity of the Brazilian experience, among other instances, by the Institute for International Economics meeting "Latin America Adjustment: How Much Has Happened?" held in Washington, which afterwards came to be informally known as the "Washington Consensus", and, later on, by the recommendations issued by worldwide entities, especially and markedly the IMF, which conditions the granting of financing to Latin American countries, among which we especially outline Brazil, to the accomplishment of structural adjustments - both in economic and institutional areas - being the Social Security reform a priority within the scope and extent of the State reform.This new rearrangement of the relations between advanced capitalist countries and peripheral ones like ours, constitutes what Mandel (1979) calls the "combined and unequal insertion". The analysis effort we have made to understand those universal determinations has, in a certain way, enabled us to visualize the reform process itself in its own endogenicity, something that happened when we have social-historically revisited - under the national scenario during the 90 s decade - the imbrication of political, economic and social aspects, as well as of the playing protagonists, represented by the civil and political societies, forming a true web of relationships, which finally configures itself into a game of antagonistic interests, ultimately, into a class conflict. The synthesis of the new Social Security model is given by its particularity, since it is framed within the reform of the Brazilian State, and which distinctive traces of its social formation could partially explain the consent of that reform. The new Social Security system is marked by the election of two categories: the one referring to the Social Insurance in opposition to the one referring to the Social Security, this later formerly stated in the 1988 Brazilian Constitution; and, of its hybrid financing model, consubstantiated into the single partition and the capitalization systems. We thus ultimately consider that the reform, while causing the reduction or even the extinction of some Social Security rights, fits itself quite well into Melo s (1996:69) synthetic expression: the deconstruction of the 1988 Constitutional agenda. As we understand it, that deconstruction enables for the opening of a quite new and promising market in the private pensions insurance field. The structural reform that is needed should primary focus and incur on the progressivity of its financing, on the formalization of labor and employment policies, on the restraint of the Social Security expenses to its specific scope and objective, and on the social control of its management. In this sense, the reform would strengthen the system in order ,to guarantee a true and real redistribution of income and labor social protection


servico social previdencia social -- brasil reforma da previdencia social

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