"A redução dos estoques em processos que utilizam as tecnicas kanban , just-in-time e MRP




This dissertation shows how a decrease of stocks can occur in processes that use "Kanban " and MRP techniques. It also presents these techniques acting in one system. The "Kanban ", sub-system of the Just-in-Time, is a technique that pulls the production causing a decrease in the number of pieces in production process. MRP is a technique of global management of the system that decreases the level of general stock in the company. This dissertation presents several elements of Just-in-Time, as well as "Kanban", found in two observed companies; one company observed through bibliography and the other by means of visits. It also presents the system MRP working together with "Kanban" using data obtained at the visited company


produtividade controle de qualidade just-in-time planejamento da produção engenharia de produção estoques administração da produção controle de produção

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