A Quimera do Desenvolvimento: um estudo de caso de agricultores no Norte Fluminense




In the history of development of Brazilian agriculture, small farmers have been involved in development proposals that have multiplied the exploitation their work and have made difficult their permanence on the land. This conjuncture is produced by the contradictory and unequal capitalist pattern, that generates industrialized metropolises, makes Brazilian economy and national middle class share world products and goods, but produces poor people exclusion from the city and from the field. This study begins with our worry about misery, environmental degradation and also from the need of analyzing the sustainability discourse and development proposal that is present in the Rio de Janeiro governmental plans which are offered to the small farmers in the North and Northwest of Rio de Janeiro state. While a case study, the analysis has just discussed the several ways that are used by small farmers to survive in the rural environment. As a small farmer’s son and having a lasting contact with the studied region, and nowadays, as a teacher at CEFET Campos, we felt a need to think about the history of formation of the capitalist agrarian structure from the European Process to the Brazilian Process. Understanding the dialectic between field and the city, nature conquest in the capitalist logic. We focused on the capitalist development illusion, environmental costs and nowadays challenges. We discuss about a national development project for the field in the North ad Northwest of Rio de Janeiro state, nowadays, and its implications. Following, we analyze small farmers’ organization in a region called ‘Baixada Campista’ that is part of the third district of Campos dos Goytacazes city, and is located in the north of Rio de Janeiro state. The study has helped us to verify that the Brazilian development process for the field is very fragile and as a consequence we could observe a perverse land structure that leads small farmers to traps, depriving them of necessary autonomy for sustainability.


rio de janeiro (estado) - política e governo trabalho e educação trabalhadores rurais agricultura - história sustentabilidade rural agricultores - norte fluminense (rj) desenvolvimento rural pequeno agricultor campos dos goytacazes (rio de janeiro, rj) educacao

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