A questão hídrica na gestão urbana participativa: o caso do orçamento participativo do município de São Carlos, SP / Water resources matter in participatory urban management: the case of the participatory budgeting of São Carlos, SP




The world environmental scene has been negatively altered and in a intense way, particularly with relation to the water resources. To change this scene positively, the civil society participation in the implantation of public politics and the fiscalization of the actions promoted by the local governments is indispensable to promote the balanced use of that resource. At the actual brazilian sociopolitical context, new public spaces for debate and deliberation are being created, providing the participation of the civil society in the public administration. Among those is the participatory budgeting (PB), that can become a tool of inclusive political practices, orientated to the formulation and implementation of public actions aiming to plan cities with socioenvironmental quality. With the PB implantation by the São Carlos/SP municipal government, the local civil society has the opportunity to participate of the discussions and deliberations with respect to the environmental interventions in its city, in several senses. However, the development of the work showed that there are no warranties that the local heterogeneous social net responds favorable and adequately to this opportunity. It was verified that the particularity of the institutional drawing of the PB/SC has been causing difficulties to the participation of a portion of the civil society and the absence of cohabitation with a more participatory municipal administration, explained by the same elite that was perpetuated in the power, for a long time. It was also verified, for the participants part, the difficulty to deliberate about the larger urban interventions, mainly with respect to their water resources. Regarding to the proposals, it is necessary to observe the need to modify some points of the institutional drawing of PB, in order to propitiate for all the local civil society segments the opportunity to participate and to deliberate efficiently and the local environmental movement can have a space to discuss the local environmental subjects, their water resources in particular.


civil society participação recursos hídricos water resources participation meio ambiente participatory budgeting sociedade civil environment orçamento participativo

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