A questão do Pluralismo no Serviço Social / A questão do Pluralismo no Serviço Social




This dissertation objectives clarify meanings and dimensions about pluralism in sociallife, priorizing the debates around the political sphere, and, as a consequence of its results, inside the professional project of the Social Work in Brazil. Presenting a multi-faced carachter, the pluralism is not supposed to be understood only as a factual element, a theorical or ideological embasement that is present in the capitalist society, but a value that must be faced in contemporaneity, as to reinforce its potencialities inside the liberal proposal of defense of liberty, democracy, social justice and respect: as to likely draw an alternative proposal to that, constructing a new system of defense of this values The strategies of this arguing to pluralism, as the same time that reveals themselves as a conjunctural imposition, they are carachterized as a "question" that presents as a limit severa I uncertains related to their concepts. Perhaps this would be the challenge to history and, as a consequence, to Social Work, once that pluralism is understood as a directive element in the graduation and in the professional life, one of the fundamental principais of professional ethic-political project, in the fight for an hegemonical project of society that is against the pattern of the order and exploration of capitalist society


dimensoes do pluralismo servico social pluralismo

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