A questão do método no ensino do serviço social: um estudo aproximativo / The questio on social work teaching method: an approach study




The theme of this thesis is the theoretical-methodological perspective of Marx treated like the question of the method due to its incorporation issue. This is to discover the reasons for the separation between theory and method, especially in the Social Service teaching, which denies the totality vision in Marxist social theory. It refers to the theme in the Social Service teaching from Marx‟s historical-social thought studies and, therefore, the denial of the reversed and irrational forms of logic capitalist. It analyses challenges to effective professional political-ethic project. It has been justified by political ideas which are recognized to need theoretical and practical habilitation or competence for breaking through ideological conservatism using to positivism and common sense interventions, among others theories. A theoretical reference is Marx Method as being a knowledge method which whether did not offer indicative actions, therefore can reveal a practice without efficiency and innovation when it has not been as fundament on sound knowledge. The production and reproduction social relationship become capable of comprehension due to its existence in historically conditions determined which has found justification and intelligibility. Research hypothesis which has been a significant part of social workers did not elaborate enough the whole knowledge about social reality and sub-hypothesis which has a method concept, while a analytical direction has differed much from that one has taken this method as a set of conjunctures. The guiding question has been a prevalence or not of ontological or epistemological ways of understanding social work method. The general goal is analyzing this question of social work method looking for contributing to deep debates about training on Professional Political-ethic Project. Specifically objectives are for examining what is the conception on question of method and for distinguishing which are conceptions or distinctions present in teaching method. This empirical research effecting has happened when were selected and studied subjects using a non-probability or intentional sample and this study has had descriptive nature. Teachers from four institutions from the state of Paraná were research subjects, intentionally identified among those with experience in teaching social work, and linking with their own state professional movement joined to different professional associations. The interviews took place by the way a qualitative research tool, using opened items and flexible subjects based on a guiding question. Firstly it was done a pre-test with social work teachers from UNIOESTE (Universidade Estadual do Oeste of Paraná). The results are a description of knowledge through away of capacity on Education Office determinations in this proposal question. It was a knowledge that looked for going beyond of immediacy which on my own understanding has been guaranteed by a process of data analysis of critical feedback on thought level constituting a concret thought of a teaching method on subjects investigated/studied


servico social método em marx ensino do serviço social ontologia epistemologia projeto ético político profissional marx method social work teaching ontology epistemology professional political-ethic project

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