A publicidade de marcas como instância legitimadora da sociedade de consumo




In an extremely competitive global economic market, where capitalism is driven by the cultural logic, a society of consumption strengthens itself. This society makcs through thc mediatic mediation, mainly starting fram the 90 s, makcs a trademark culture arise, a context on which the products anel the consumption start to be seen not exclusivelyas commerce, but as communication. At this environment a publicity which changes gradually its speech in the direction of the brand communication emerges, adding, to its communicational strategies, social thematic, which, re-created and given new meaning by the publicity speech, and according to hypothesis, are communicated to society as consumer goods. This research studies the process of the gradual incorporation of social thematic to thc prafit companics trademarks, anel exams the corpus composed by advertising by Hering, Fórum, Parmalat anel Coca-Cola, in two diffcrent moments of the publicity communication of these trademarks nowadays, baseed on the theoric support proposcd by Diana Luz Pessoa de Barros, Jean-Marie Floch and Andréa Semprini. Among the main objectivcs of the research, we are going to exam how anelwhy the social thematic became a focus of growing interest of the compannies communication, anel from there, wc will discuss how two stratcgies apparently in opposition one of them has a more explicit commercial characteristic anel another onne adds themes defel1ding social causes - cann interact in a positive way with the public on the process of buildinngan identity to the tradcmark. For this discussionn we also use as a resource the theories about the pos-modernism, gathcring as bases Jean-François Lyotard, Fredric Jamesom, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, David Harvey, Zigmunt Baumann and Gianni Vattimo, whose estudies reveal the senses of the publicity on the late capitalism, thematic which is related to the importance of the brand-capital nowadays


marca de produtos publicidade -- aspectos sociais comunicacao

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