A psicanálise na Inglaterra e a história da constituição do Middle Group: retraçando percursos de um pensamento


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This historiographical research treats of the genesis and development of the Middle Group, a psychoanalytical movement originated in England. The aim of this work is to identify its components, its areas of interest and its main theoreticalclinical contributions. The autor defends that the study of History of Psychoanalysis is relevant to the psychoanalyst formation as essential for understanding its practice and the factors that lead to the expansion and flourishment of the discipline. This work points out the original contributions of Michael Balint and Donald Winnicott, as well as those of Masud Khan, Margaret Little, Marion Milner, Ronald Fairbarn and Harry Guntrip, among others. These independent analysts, faced to scientific and personal controversies within the British Psychoanalysis Society, furnished answers not-aligned to dominant factions. The research concludes that by acting this way they offered. a creative solution to polarization, threats of rupture and effective crystallization in the psychoanalytic institutions. Acute and emphatic clinicians, through studies of the self and the influence of the environment in the subjective constitution, promoted the identification and description of the morbid personality of schizoid patients. For their treatment they conceived the therapeutic regression to the deficient areas, in Balint called regression to the basic fault, and in Winnicott regression to the dependency. The essence of the notion of regression, used by these authors, led to the idea of management as therapeutic instrument differing from the interpretative technique of the classic analysis. Hence, they postulated the convenient technique to disrupt the arid and empty withdrawal in wich those patients were talken


psicologia processo analítico retraimento e regressão interpretação e manejo middle group -- inglaterra psicanalise -- historia -- inglaterra middle group self

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