A proteção jurídica dos animais no direito brasileiro : por uma nova percepção do antropocentrismo / Legal protection of animals in brazilian law: for a new percption of anthropocentrism


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Despite the advances from the emergence of environmental law, the legal protection of animals still is ineffective, in century XXI. The increase in the indiscriminate use of them in the various human activities, without any concern for their well-being, has led to the restlessness of a share of lawyers who have gone to defend the need for securitization of rights for animals as a means of accomplishing the existing standards. In this context, the objective of this study was to analyze the theoretical and practical boundaries of legal protection of animals, especially in Brazilian law. We made a documentary and bibliographical research, addressing national and international doctrine on the subject here worked just as we did a survey involving some judicial decisions on the use of animals in various human activities. Among our main results include: a) the existence of two main theories, antagonistic, which aim to substantiate the existence or not of the right animal, b) a wide range of legislation that aims to protect animals, both in Brazil and in other countries of Europe and South America; c) that although there are protectionist rules, animals are still objects of abuse and cruel; d) shows the relevance of the principles of reasonableness, proportionality, and especially the prohibition of regression in environmental, and e) the nature of environmental education and biocentric macrobiotic can be used as a means of effecting the legal protection of animals. We conclude that the absence of effective legal protection of animals stems more from lack of awareness of society, than the lack of laws, and environmental education, and macrobiotic biocentric bias, a powerful tool for us to effect mentioned protection. Keywords: Animal law. Enviromental law. Anthropocentrism. Biocentrism. Environmental education.


direito ambiental - dissertaÇÕes proteÇÃo animal - dissertaÇÕes antropocentrismo - dissertaÇÕes educaÇÃo ambiental - dissertaÇÕes direito constitucional

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