A proteção jurídica do trabalho no estado democrático de direito brasileiro : análise normativa e jurisdicional / The legal profection of labor in Brazilian Democratic law state: normative and judicial analysis.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present study intends to examine the acts that regulate labor and its legal protection in the Brazilian Democratic Law State under the normative and judicial perspectives. Therefore, this essay analyzes the historical process of labor, its implementation as a right and its regulation by the positive law. This way, this paper talks about the evolution of labor rights throughout history, observing its insertion as a constitutional norm and their reflection in the economical order. This dissertation also studies the global economical development and its repercussion in Brazilian territory with the inclusion in national law of international human rights regarding workers protection. Finally, this thesis examines the labor judicial protection which aims to provide a fair jurisdiction through instruments that promote the effectiveness of labor law in conformity with the constitutional principles and clauses that protect work relationships. Key words: Labor. Constitutionalism. Brazilian Democratic Law State. Economic globalization. Judicial protection.


direito do trabalho - dissertaÇÕes tutela jurisdiconal - dissertaÇÕes direito constitucional

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