A Proposta Curricular do estado de São Paulo e a sala de aula como espaço de transformação social / The proposal curriculum of São Paulo state and the classrooms as roominess of social transformation


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The situation apparently chaotic of paulistas public education network, leads the responsible govern to adopt public politics of education with neoliberal character and following recipes that are imposed by economic globalization. An example is the imposition of São Paulos New Curriculum Proposal. Its was implanted in 2008 and turned official curriculum in 2010, which determine a sequence of contents and standardizes the form of work to all school units with a purpose of leads each unit to work as a net, standardizing the way of student think and the teachers work so limiting their autonomy. Hitched to this imposition of a unique curriculum there is a centralization of decision and the meritocracy. Despite the fact that public policies were prepared with the purpose of improve the education quality that is not what happens, since increase the discouragement of students and teachers preventing a possible improvement. Inside this context the teacher has a special role since his work in the classroom directly in contact with the student can be the first step for an everyday transformation of the reality. Using the education as an element to help students to understand about his situation inside the society and then the student can understand the process which he is involved, acquire knowledge to question and even suggest and fight for changes. The teacher cannot to promote a revolution changing all public education structure, but realizing his work conscious and politicized, he can, united to students, believe in a possible change in direction to a fairer society.


aluno educação pública professor public education teacher transformation student transformação

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