A produção oficial do Movimento da Matemática Moderna para o ensino primário do estado de São Paulo (1960-1980)




This dissertation analyses the changes to the Curriculum for Mathematics followed by primary schools in São Paulo between 1960 and 1980 and the legislation which accompanied these changes. It aims to identify, by means of the analysis of official documents presenting curricular guidelines, in what form, in the age of the Modern Mathematics Movement (MMM), aspects of this movement were officialised in primary teaching and hence contribute to an understanding of the processes of appropriation realized by the team of the Secretariat of Education for the State of São Paulo of the Movements though. To this end, we studied dissertations and theses and collected documents related to the theme. We selected the following documents for detailed analysis: the 1969 Programme for the Primary School of the State of São Paulo, the Curriculum Guides for 1st Grade Teaching (1975) and Support for the Implementation of the Curriculum Guides for Mathematics Algebra and Geometry of 1981. The analysis process also included comparisons of the chosen documents with the laws LDB/61 and LDB/71. Complementing this information, from interview material, we took into consideration the memories of protagonists of the MMM, treated as produced knowledge, reconstructed through a processes of critiques and reinterpretations of the past, through todays lenses. To articulate the questions addressed, we made use of the historic-cultural approach and drew support from the concepts of representation, appropriation and strategies proposed by Chartier (1991) and De Certeau (1982). The theoretical and methodological considerations were also based upon the work of Le Goff (1992) and his position as regards the analysis of monuments and their transformation into documents. We also used the perspective of Faria Filho (1998) to fundament the analysis of educational legislation. We concluded that, in the period studied, the official documents were used as a strategy of curriculum reform and dissemination, produced by the State, to implement the new directives for the teaching of mathematics within primary schools in São Paulo. We evidenced also the officialization of the MMM through these documents, associating them with the transformations in the structure of the mathematics curriculum according to the norms imposed the laws LDB 4.024/61 and LDB 5672/71


official documents documentos oficiais modern mathematics movement mathematics education matematica matematica -- estudo e ensino primary teaching ensino primário movimento da matematica moderna (brasil) educacao matematica history of mathematics education história da educação matemática

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