A produção científica na area de empreendedorismo feminino :análise dos estudos indexados na base de dados do Institute For Scientific Information (ISI)
Neidi Krewer Cassol
Considering the growth of the interest for the researches on the woman entrepreneurship in the world and the need of knowing what is being researched in relation to this subject, the current study presents an analysis of the scientific production on woman entrepreneurship transmitted in the Scientific Information for Science (ISI) Database. The Database of ISI was chosen for being one of the most important of the world, indexing the scientific newspapers that present the largest impact factor; in other words, the ones that more influence the literature in citation terms. So, the objective of the research turned to the study of the scientific production on woman entrepreneurship published in the newspapers of the Database of ISI, in administration and businesses, from 1997 to 2006. The research was exploratory, with qualitative method. The articles related to the woman entrepreneurship, recovered in the newspapers of the Database of ISI, were appraised in agreement with the model developed by Gartner (1985) to analyze and classify researches in the entrepreneurship area. The scientific newspapers of the administration and businesses areas were identified, being characterized as for the title, periodicity, publication place, area, impact factor, e-mail address and ISSN. The articles were identified as for the title, author, specific title of the newspaper, volume, number and year. The personal and professional characteristics of the articlesauthors were analyzed. This analysis shows that most of the authors are teachers with high instruction level. The results show the dimensions on which the focuses of the studies of the database of ISI prevail, with prominence for the Individual and Ambient dimensions, according to the dimensions adopted in the present study. The conclusion presents considerations concerning the main discoveries of the analyzed articles, the implications for the research area of the woman entrepreneurship and suggestions for new studies
produção científica gestão de negócios; empreendimentos administração - pesquisa female entrepreneurship scientific production gartner model modelo gartner isi base administracao empreendedorismo feminino base isi
http://proxy.furb.br/tede/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=415Documentos Relacionados
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