A problemÃtica das aglomeraÃÃes produtivas especializadas: aspectos principais, governanÃa interna e externa e observaÃÃo da experiÃncia de SÃo Bento do Sul (SC)




Since 1980âs decade, it can be observed the beginning of an economic and politics territorialization process, concomitant with the apparent central government weakness. This process matches with the changes that companies and State have been passing through in world-wide scope. The stage of the productive globalization, that involves the period between 1950 and 1970, allowed the growth of industrial capacities in a wide gamma of developing countries. Such industrial diffusion caused a change in many manufacturing industries gravity center from the world-economy core to its periphery. This change was the premise for commercial globalization (since 1970). Moreover, in middle 1980âs emerged an effective innovations concentration based on the electronics, which reached, directly or indirectly, all economics sectors and, also, the society as a whole. This configures thus a new technological-productive paradigm. This paradigm is characterized, among others things, for the increasing presence of the microelectronics. That makes possible a greater production and work relations flexibility, and also favors the customized production, carried through smaller lots and droved to more or less specific market segments. The information technologies application allowed product decomposition in modules or systems with normalized interfaces. This facilitates contracts of external projects. The transnational corporationsâ vertical disintegration is characterized by its central abilities redefinition by focusing in product innovation and strategy, marketing and in other segments that add more value in manufacture and services, while these corporations reduce their direct property on not central functions, such as generic services and production volume. This is a trend in the majority of developed countries, which becomes each time more likely the emergence of clearly buyers commanded chains. In short, in this new way of productive organization, the inter-firms bonds are contemplated by technological development, as well as by companiesâ interest on concentrating efforts on activities that constitute their operational âfocusâ and on transferring the others activities to other production units. This context favors deeper participation small and medium firms in industrial dynamics, mostly those which are inserted in specialized productive agglomerations. Such situation calls attention of many researchers in the 1980âs, and policy makers since 1990âs had also started showing interest on this subject. This is the scene in which the current work intends to catch the buyers commanded chains emergence in wooden furniture industry and it also intends to analyze this chain type influenceon specialized productive agglomerations. To fulfill this object SÃo Bento do Sul (SC) productive agglomerationâs concrete experience has been observed.


indÃstria de mÃveis economia produÃÃo (teoria econÃmica)

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