A Presidência Brasileira e a Separação dos Poderes / The Brazilian Presidency and the Separation of Powers




This report presents the initial results of a long-term research program on the Brazilian presidency and its relations with other branches of government. While scholars have found empowerment in the executive, legislature, and judiciary in Brazil since the 1988 Constitution, these findings taken as a whole suggest that a more complex, contested, and positive-sum policy process has emerged in the country. Review of recent scholarship on the legislature, judiciary, and executive in Brazil and the United States suggests the need for further comparative analysis of the separation of powers in these two countries. The report defines themes for future research by identifying the concepts, methods, and theories from analysts of U.S. political institutions that appear most relevant in understanding the Brazilian experience. Progress is also reported in the organization of a database on inter-branch spending trends in Brazil since 1994 from existing government budget data.


política presidência democracia separação de poderes

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