A presença feminina de ascendência portuguesa na cidade de São Paulo: Trabalhos, sonhos e esperanças (1925-1945)




In this study, the importance of the feminine presence is highlighted along with her condition during the generations, from the Portuguese roots to the Brazilian daughters. It is sought to bring Portugal, the homeland of the parents and grandparents, into the context, economically, politically and socially, as of the moment of her emigration to Brazil, and particularly to the city of São Paulo. Next, the whole trajectory lived in this city is traced. After considering the birth of five daughters of different families, a survey is made on the movement described by them as the history of their lives, since their birth up to the present days. Such approach became possible by means of bibliographic survey and interviews, whose routine included topics related to the parents antecedence, the housing, the school, the religiosity, the wedding, the extra-home work, the leisure, the relations and the social mobility. However, it was observed that such interviews were characterized by the spontaneity of the interviewed women. Thus, the verbal source was used as support, as well as the historiography as background. It is then worked with the memories and recollections of these ladies, investigating her lines described, and seeking, by means of dialogue, the social substance of memory, both individual and collective. It is concluded that many inquiries were not met, remaining for another work; however, it is believed that this present dissertation contributes to the studies on the Portuguese immigration and the Brazilian generations, the tradition and culture, as well as that the feminine figures did not remain in silence or excluded, since they told the story of their lives, making it possible to bring meaning to facts that initially could seem insignificant, but which have an important meaning to the historian, who is responsible for abstracting from them, revealing a life scenario that historiography could not allow to pass without registration


mulheres -- condicoes sociais -- sao paulo (cidade) presença feminina portuguesas -- historia -- sao paulo (cidade) historia feminine presence

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